kindergarten - middle school
Origami Class
For some people, Origami has known as paper folding works from Japan such as Storks, Airplanes, Tanks, and many more. But besides that, origami has the potential as a developer of creativity, intelligence, thinking patterns, and also therapy for doer it. Origami can be a good therapy because it can teach calmness, accuracy, and patience for children who lack focus in doing something. This can be seen from the systematic steps that must be followed in making certain models.
Outcome Learning
In the Origami class, students will make two projects each semester. And all projects that students do in the Origami class will belong to students and can take them home. They are some equipment and results that students can take home.
origami toolbox
origami tools
learning report
materials books
creative design materials
origami paper
tutorial video (online class)
Term and condition
In order to produce a maximum learning system and fun learning method we need preparation, equipment and other supporting needs as like:
fied or indoor
1 hour per session
table and chairs or mat
8 students for minimum
list of students
2 teachers for 10 student
Beginner Level
Beginner's level at the origami class will teach you the meaning of origami and the basics of folding paper properly. Students will learn how to make object shapes in simple shapes.
Basic Level
At the basic level, students will create various objects andl learn how to use equipment such as scissors and so on so they will stay safe in learning. Student will learn how to make an origami with basic technique.
Intermediate Level
At the level of teaching origami classes, students will learn the techniques of folding a combination of two or more papers and combined into one to form more interesting results and have maximum aesthetic value.
Advance Level
At the advanced level of origami classes, students will be taught techniques to combine different colors and use different paper. Students will be invited to create origami characters using their own folding techniques.